Discovering the Power of Mindset

Mar 01, 2022

While at the peak of my career, working harder than ever, doing the best I can for my team, I found myself pushed off the edge of a cliff. Not literally but that was how it felt. After a long reflection, I concluded that the best way forward was to dive in to personal development. Discovering the power of mindset helped me overcome my biggest challenges. The only limit is the one you place on yourself.

Key To Potential

Mindset is a series of beliefs we hold about our self, others and the world around us. It is formed based on life experiences, education, environment, and from ideas and beliefs we have absorbed from people we have spent the most time with.

As we are ultimately born with a clean slate, most of our core beliefs are set as a child. These core beliefs are what we perceive to be true and use to navigate our world hence understanding mindset is key to potential.

Why Beliefs Matter

Much of our inner dialogue happens in our subconscious. When I found out we have between 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts in a day, of this 80% is negative and 95% are repetitive, it really was no wonder why breaking out of the autopilot can be such a challenge. 

As our mindset determines how we feel, our reaction, responses, behaviour, outlook and attitude, can you then imagine how our beliefs and our thought habits can affect our daily life? This ultimately determines whether we move forward, take action towards and achieve our goals.

The Growth Mindset

Growing up, when I heard of kids who were a “natural”, it made me wonder if I had any talent. Couldn’t sing to save my life. Couldn’t read musical scores. Was pretty lame at sports. Maybe could’ve done better at art.

There were definitely people who believed basic abilities, intelligence and talents are inherent traits, with little or no room for change. This as I found out later was called a fixed mindset. Often focused on the outcome, believe that failure means wasted effort and also likely perceive that one bad result or setback defines you. 

A Growth Mindset on the other hand believes that abilities and intelligence can be developed with effort, learning and persistence. They perceive challenges and failure as part of the process. Rather than give up so quickly, they consider possible solutions because they believe a problem is fixable. 

A Breakthrough In Less Than 30 Days

If you find yourself “stuck”, it is likely there is a core belief stopping you. Discovering the power of mindset with the help of the subconscious mind is key. I have helped dozens of clients achieve a Breakthrough and Transformation in less than 30 days through an empowering combination of Rapid Transformational Therapy and Coaching.

by Donna Liza - Master Mindset Coach and RTT Practitioner
