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Create A Blueprint for Success to 10X your entrepreneurial prowess and manifest your boldest visions.

Harness Proven Strategies Empowering Women Entrepreneurs and

Stop Self-Sabotage so you can Rise, Shine, and Lead with Authenticity!

  • So, What Ignites Immeasurable Success For You?

  • Scaling your start-up to seven figures

  • Pioneering innovative business solutions

  • Driving that luxury car that screams 'success'

  • Gifting yourself precious ‘me-time’ amidst business chaos

  • Jet-setting on empowering business retreats

  • Making a difference with charitable ventures

  • Securing your dream workspace

  • Feeling holistic fulfilment and balance in every sphere

  • The good news is...

    Anything you wish for has been done before by someone else!

    All of your aspirations? Achieved by another action-taking female entrepreneur.

    The key? Emulating their tried-and-tested strategies with tenacity.

    Delving deep into their success psyche, it’s evident: they thrive on certain unwavering principles. These principles aren’t just habits. They're potent seeds that blossom into their grand visions.

    Pause, breathe, and immerse in what I'm about to unveil.

    The Secret Sauce

    After meticulously studying a plethora of successful women entrepreneurs, a pattern emerges. They swear by certain foundational principles. These principles have consistently catapulted their ambitions into realities.

    Interestingly, 10 of these principles are common among these powerhouses!

    So, imagine integrating these into your entrepreneurial journey. Wouldn't you soar with the same principles that other successful women have imbibed? Think about the limitless heights you could reach!

    This is potentially the golden key to unlocking your full entrepreneurial potential.

    Within the Move the Needle: Success Mindset Blueprint, I'll be revealing the 10 Key Principles that today's most peak performers live by, allowing them to shape industries, break barriers, and lead with confidence. With these principles, you too can channel that power and recreate their success trajectory!

    Believe it, this revelation is a game-changer.

    Feel the transformation as you align with these principles, watching as they recalibrate your mindset and fuel your ambition.

  • But Before We Venture Deeper... Reflect:

  • Are self-doubts clouding your grand vision?

    Is self-sabotage subtly undermining your strides?

    Feeling stuck or unfulfilled in your current entrepreneurial phase?

    If there's even a hint of 'YES', you're precisely where you need to be.

  • Embrace This Golden Opportunity!

  • I’m rolling out the red carpet, giving you EXCLUSIVE ACCESS to these game-changing success principles delivered in a transformative 3-step module that will help you move the needle in your business.

    Remember, these aren't mere words. These are principles that have sculpted success stories. Tales of top performers who dared to dream, hustle, and conquer.

    Now, it's YOUR time. Time to channel your inner powerhouse and leap beyond boundaries.

  • donna liza

    Having managed a multi-seven figure business, I started my coaching practice to help clients up-level in their career through personal performance development but soon found my clients often got stuck in self-doubt and negative self-belief that affected their results. This led me on a journey towards business success mindset mastery, working mostly with introverted entrepreneurs to stop self-sabotage so they can achieve their next level and the freedom they truly desire with ease.

    Make Ambitious Waves with Donna Liza

    Entrepreneur & Success Mindset Coach

    Your 3 Key Steps To Success

    Step #1. Success Principles: 10 Golden Rules To Greatness

    ‘Success Principles’ is the ultimate blueprint on the 10 Key Principles practiced by the world’s Peak Performers to dominate their lives personally and professionally - And how you can easily apply these success principles to 10X your success!

    Now you can have access to the secrets to 10X your success by following the strategies covered in this life-changing blueprint.

    This guide contains everything you need to know about "Success Principles":

    The 10 golden rules to achieve massive level of success, how to conquer your fear and push through all difficulties, why your choice of word is so important, types of beliefs you must implement in your life, strategies to stay driven towards the ‘big picture’, daily hacks to instils good habits, why you should always live in the moment, how to deal with setbacks, strategies to attract positive peer groups - and more to be uncovered in this ultimate blueprint.

    If you are looking for the Success Principles to achieve greater goals in life, be it personal or professional goals... then this guide is MEANT for you.

    • Here Are The Things You Will Discover In Success Principles Blueprint:

    • How to set purpose-driven goals and effective strategies to achieve them quickly

    • Discover how to defeat indecisiveness and train your decision-making muscles

    • 3 core beliefs you must have in order to achieve high-level success

    • Secrets to have extreme ownership over your life and people around you

    • Success rituals of peak performers you can easily model to replicate their successes

    • The reasons why comfort zone can stunt your growth and achieve a better version of yourself

    • Vocabulary of success and how the words you use on daily basis can affect your belief and ultimately, your level of success

    • The importance of practicing constant and never-ending improvement in every area of your life

    • When you apply all the secrets from the Success Principles, you will:

  • Become the best version of yourself

  • Make better decisions and stay true to your life purpose

  • Achieve the impossible and never leave any goal unchecked

  • Unleash your fullest potential and live beyond your current state

  • Learn the skills of peak performers and replicate their victory

  • Find out how to easily back from any setbacks 10X stronger

  • Attract limitless wealth, health and opportunities into your life

  • Improve in every area of your life and stay away from the trap of self-sabotage

  • Step #2. Move the Needle. Stop Self-Sabotage. 

    Break Free from Negative Beliefs and Prime Your Mind For Success!

    You are going to find those pesky beliefs that are getting in the way of you taking the action you need towards your goals and, you are going to engage the subconscious mind to upgrade your mindset.

    Ever wonder why it's so hard to change? This is because dreams and aspirations, as well as decisions and willpower are powered by the conscious mind, but change happens in the subconscious which controls 95% of your daily life through old beliefs and programming. 

    Step #3. Your Next Level Goals and Success Roadmap

    Let's face it. If you don't know exactly where you're going, you're not going to get there. Think of your goal like the Zip or Post Code that you will put into your GPS so you can get directions. 

    That's why you are going to super charge your goals and create a roadmap that you can follow to get you there.

    So, are you ready to redefine your entrepreneurial journey, join the league of trailblazing women, and make your mark?

    Seize the moment. Dive into the blueprint. Elevate your essence!

    If you get Success Principles right now, you will get these bonuses:

    Bonus #1  Guided Hypnosis Meditation

    Want a shortcut? This is your shortcut! Get your subconscious on-board and you will be unstoppable! It will seem like magic, but it's proven science using a state that you enter multiple times a day. In a relaxing, deep meditation you will access your subconscious mind to elevate your confidence so you can easily take action towards the life of your dreams.

    Bonus #2 Complete Checklist

    This checklist contains step-by-step action plan for you to make sure you get the full benefits Success Principles. By simply breaking one huge topic into easy digestible chunks,you get absolute clarity inclusive of easy-to-follow action steps!

    Bonus #3 Comprehensive Mind Map

    This mind map is perfect for 'visual' learners. It outlines everything you are going to discover throughout the entire course. With just a glance, you will have a clear picture of what to expect and absorb so much more than reading through Success Principles by pages!

    You get all the bonuses absolutely FREE only if you act today!


    • We're confident in the transformative power of Move the Needle: Success Mindset Blueprint and stand by the quality and effectiveness of our program. If you have applied all the strategies inside and don't experience any change, reach out to us within 21 days for your money back.

    Here's The Good News

    Instead of charging this game-changing program at a ridiculous price, I am offering this to you if you act right now FOR ONLY

    $197 $17

    • FAQ

    • I've never tried hypnosis before. Is it safe?

      Yes, we go into self-hypnosis all the time! It's a natural autopilot state like when driving, watching tv, washing dishes... However, we don't recommend it for anyone with serious mental health conditions, hallucinations, personality disorders or epilepsy. If in doubt, please consult your doctor. 

      I'm really busy. How long do I need to dedicate to this?

      We advocate for incorporating mindset practice as part of your daily success strategy. We recommend 15-30mins a day to go through all the materials and listen to the bonus hypnosis meditation for at least 21 consecutive days preferably before bed or first thing in the morning for optimum results.

      How long do we get access to this?

      You get the benefit of lifetime access so you can refer to the materials and listen to the meditation for as long as you want.

    Where will you be next year if you don't take action on your dreams today? Unlock your limitless potential for a price of a takeaway!